Gradul de realizare al rezultatelor.

Diseminarea rezultatelor privind proprietatile antibacteriene si optice superioare ale filmelor depuse pentru modulul "VALMGreen" prin participarea la conferinte internationale.


In cadrul proiectului diseminarea s-a facut prin prezentarea rezultatelor in 9 articole (6 publicate, 3 in evaluare), 4 prezentari orale si 3 lucrari sub forma de poster, 1 capitol de carte, precum si 2 premii obtinute la targ de inventii international (medalia de aur a targului si un premiu special);




1.      Study on UV-visible emission plasmas with applications in photodynamic therapy and surface treatment against biological contaminants O.G. Pompilian, P. Dinca, C. Porosnicu, C.P. Lungu, P. Chiru, B.Butoi, I. Jepu, Romanian reports in physics, Volume 68, Number 3, 2016;

2.      M. Lungu, I. Tiseanu, C. Porosnicu, C. Dobrea, I. Jepu, P. Dinca, A. Marcu, Tribological investigations on Laser Irradiated Composite Thin Films Prepared by TVA Technique, under review, Physica Scripta;     IF: 1.126

3.      P. Dinca, C. Porosnicu, B. Butoi, I. Jepu, V. Tiron, O. G. Pompilian, I. Burducea, C. P. Lungu, I.-L. Velicu; Beryllium-Tungsten Study on Mixed Layers obtained by m-HiPIMS/DCMS Techniques in a Deuterium and Nitrogen Reactive Gas Mixture ; Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 321, 15 July 2017, Pages 397-402;     IF: 1.126

4.      Alexandru Marin, Cristian P. Lungu, Corneliu Porosnicu, Influence of gaseous environments on beryllium–tungsten and tungsten surfaces investigated by XPS, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 35, 021403 (2017); doi:;     IF: 1.126

5.      Alexandru Marin, Cristian P. Lungu, Corneliu Porosnicu; Influence of gaseous inclusions on aluminum-tungsten coatings investigated by XPS; Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films,35, issue 6, Article number:061304 (2017);;     IF: 1.126

6.      6. V. Tiron, I.-L. Velicu, C. Porosnicu, I. Burducea, P. Dinca, P. Malinský; Tungsten Nitride Coatings Obtained by HiPIMS as Plasma Facing Materials for Fusion Applications; Applied Surface Science, Volume: 416 Pages: 878-884 Published: SEP 15 2017;     IF: 1.126



Capitol de carte:


  1. M. Diaconu; Capitol: Characterization of microoganisms in the indoor enviroments and their risks to human health, Carte: Current topics, concepts and research priorities in environmental chemistry (IV)   Iasi, 2015, Editura Universităţii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, ISBN: 978-973-703-797-8,


Conferinte internationale si premii:


1.      C. Porosnicu, B. Butoi, I. Cretescu, M. Diaconu, P. Dinca, I. Jepu, O. G. Pompilian; Characterization of TVA deposited Ag/Cu thin film with antibacterial proprieties for use in Smart Ventilation Systems, 42th European Physics Society Conference on Plasma Physics, 22-26 iul 2015, Lisabona, Portugalia, poster;

2.      C. Porosnicu, B. Butoi, P. Dinca, I. Jepu, C. P. Lungu, M. Diaconu, G. Soreanu, I. Cretescu / Antimicrobial testing of the ValmGreen modeule developed for sustainable enhancing of wellbeing and comfort in indoor buildings / CSA 2015 JOINT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 22-25 Oct 2015, Iasi, Romania - Conference proceeding si prezentare orala; In cadrul acestei conferinte am primit acceptul spre a trimite spre publicare lucrarea prezentata in revista CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS (IF: 2.296)

3.      C. Porosnicu, O. Trusca, C. Iacob, B. Butoi, I. Cretescu, M. Diaconu, P. Dinca, I. Jepu, O. G. Pompilian, M. Lungu, C.P. Lungu; Autonom Antibacterial Venting and Luminating Modular Green System for Curtain Wall/VALMGreen, International Fair of Inventions and Practical Ideas, 19-22 Oct 2015, Iasi, Romania – Poster si produs. In cadrul acestui targ international de inventica, produsul VALMGreen a castigat: Medalia de aur a targului acordata de Societatea Inventatorilor din Romania si Premiu special SIB acordat de Societatea Inventatorilor din Banat.

4.      Butoi Bogdan, Corneliu Porosnicu, Paul Dinca, Ionut Jepu, Oana Gloria Pompilian, Cristian Lungu, Maria Diaconu, Gabriela Soreanu, Igor Cretescu; Antimicrobial Efficiency of Cu/Ag Layers Obtained by TVA Deposited on Filtering Grids Used for Smart Ventilation Systems; 16TH INTERNATIONAL BALKAN WORKSHOP ON APPLIED PHYSICS 2016, Prezentare Orala

5.      B. Butoi, C. Porosnicu, P. Dinca, I. Jepu, O.G. Pompilian, C. P. Lungu, M Diaconu,G. Soreanu, I. Cretescu; TVA Obtained Cu/Ag Layers Having Antimicrobial Properties Used in Smart Ventilation Systems, CPPA 2017, 15-20 iunie 2017, Magurele, Romania, P5-05, pg. 111, poster

6.      Corneliu Porosnicu, Butoi Bogdan, Paul Dinca, Ionut Jepu, Oana Gloria Pompilian, Cristian Lungu, Maria Diaconu, Gabriela Soreanu, Igor Cretescu; TVA obtained Cu/Ag thin films with antimicrobial proprieties for use in smart ventilation systems, IBWAP 17th, 11-14 iulie 2017, Constanta, Romania, S2 L2, pg 71, Lectie invitata

7.      Cornel Staicu, Paul Dinca, Oana Gloria Pompilian, Corneliu Porosnicu, Ion Burducea, Bogdan Butoi and Cristian P. Lungu; Characterization and the antibacterial properties of thin films and the Cu/Ag obtained by Thermionic Vacuum Method; IBWAP 17th, 11-14 iulie 2017, Constanta, Romania, S2 P13 pg 89, Poster

8.      C. Porosnicu, O. Trusca, C. Iacob, B. Butoi, I. Cretescu, M. Diaconu, P. Dinca, I. Jepu, O. G. Pompilian, M. Lungu, C.P. Lungu; Autonom Antibacterial Venting and Luminating Modular Green System for Curtain Wall/VALMGreen, International Fair of Inventions and Practical Ideas, 19-22 Oct 2015, Iasi, Romania – Poster si produs. In cadrul acestui targ international de inventica, produsul VALMGreen a castigat urmatoarele distinctii:


 Medalia de aur „International Fair of Inventions and Practical Ideas” acordata de Societatea Inventatorilor din Romania

 Premiu special SIB acordat de Societatea Inventatorilor din Banat.